Monday, January 21, 2013

Development methodologies


As stated by the website (, 2013), a method is a certain systematic type of process to achieve or to find a solution for something. According to (, 2007), a method is a way of doing something especially in a methodical way with a logical arrangement.


A methodology is described as planned sets of steps, techniques and perspectives where it will aid the people in their research (, 2013). “A methodology sets out detailed requirements for quantifying the benefits of a specific project” (Verified Carbon, 2013).

Models and life cycle

The common life cycle models according to website (, 2013) are:

  • spiral model
  • waterfall model
  • V life cycle
  • throwaway prototyping model
  •  evolutionary prototyping model
  •   incremental/iterative development
  • reusable software model
  • automated software synthesis
There are two types of methodologies 

1.       Sequential Methodology 
2.       Concurrency Methodology

Sequential Methodology

Waterfall Life cycle model
A waterfall life cycle model follows a certain sequence, it is one of the most well knownlife cycle modelsand it is also referred to as a “Linear sequential life cycle model”. In a waterfall model each stage must be completed fully in order to continue with the other stages. At the end of each stage the project is reviewed in turn to determine if the project is in the right path thereby to assume whether or not to continue the project (, 2013).

Figure 1. Waterfall Lifecycle, Source (, 2013)


Concurrency Methodology

Spiral lifecycle model

It is sample of an evolutionary model where it representsof each prototype iteration as a special spiral (, 2013). According to the website (, 2006), a aspiral model is another model similar to the waterfall lifecycle model. In a spiral lifecycle model it highlights the major issues that were identified in the earlier stages of the development life cycle.
Figure 2. Spiral Lifecycle, Source (, 2013)

Reference (2007) What does method mean? definition, meaning and pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary), [Online], Available: [12 Jan 2013]. (2013) What Is Methodology?, [Online], Available: [15 Jan 2013]. (2013) Spiral Life Cycle Model, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) Waterfall Model, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) Software Life Cycle Models, [Online], Available: [13 Jan 2013]. (2013) Definition of method - method and characteristic (British & World English), [Online], Available: [12 Jan 2013]. (2013) Waterfall Life Cycle Model, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) Spiral lifecycle model , [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013].
Verified Carbon (2013) What is a Methodology?, [Online], Available: [13 Jan 2013]. (2006) Lifecycle Models, Aug , [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013].

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Risk Management


It is the possibility of something (usually something bad) that occurs due to something else (, 2013). It is also a combination of events and outcome.

Risk Management

It is a process of identifying, analyzing the risks of various kinds (, 2013). As stated by the (, 2013)  “Risk management ensures that an organization identifies and understands the risks to which it is exposed”

Types of risks a projects face

There are two common types of risk a project faces, they are:
1.      Strategic Risk
This is due to:-
Ø  Abandoning the project
Ø  Cost is spend more than the required rate
Ø  Client satisfaction or confidence is lost

2.      Operational Risk

Ø  No one fixed plan
Ø  Cost is over spend
Ø  low morale/unacceptable working conditions

Risk Continuum

The Figure 1 below show a risk continuum diagram, risk continuum could be basically explained as the inversely proportionality between the information and the risk. When the amount of information that is available of a certain project is less there is a greater chance of risk in the certain project.

Figure 1. Risk Continuum, Source ( (, 2013))

Reference (2013) What is a risk?, [Online], Available: [15 Jan 2013]. (2013) Controlling Costs with Risk Management, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) A risk based approach to maintenance optimisation of business critical railway structures/equipment, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) The Importance of Risk Management to Business Success, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013].

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Project management

What is a project?

A project is a set of tasks that has a deadline to meet and it is bounded by time, resources and expected results (, 2013). According to (, 2013), a project is “an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim”.

Phases in a project

Figure 1. Stages in a Project Source (, 2013)

The stages in a project are as follows: -

1.      Initiation

As stated by (, 2013), it is one of the important stages in a project:-
It sets the terms of reference within which the project will be run
If it is not done well, there is a chance for the project to fail.
Initiation is the stage where the business case is declared

2.      Planning

Planning of a project would lead to a successful project, it is one of the key tasks anyone should do when undertaking a project (, 2013)

3.      Controlling
A project is controlled by continuous reporting of the problems, progress and the checking the business objectives thereby to keep track.

4.      Completing

According to (, 2013), “the project manager should review the project and record the good and bad points, so successes can be repeated and failures avoided”.

Project management

According (, 2013), “Project management is best defined as the state of organizing components of a project”. As stated by the website (Project Management, 2013), it is the applying of knowledge and skills in order to implement projects effectively.

Reference (2013) What is Project Management?`, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) What does theory say? - Project Management Methodologies - Cool Project Management, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) What is a Project, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) Definition of project , [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013].
Project Management (2013) What is Project Management?, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) The Stages of a Project, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013].

Introduction to ARMPD

ARMPD stands for “Applied Research Methods & Professional Development”,   this module is mostly teaching to us about our career planning and the key essentials such as academic writing and documentation and other professional issues.

Project Proposal

According to, (2011); a project proposal is a document which is planned to represent a proposal; the key reason for representing this is so that the reader is convinced by the proposal. It corresponds that the proposal is given so that the reader could decide whether or not to invest resources on the proposed project (, 2011). There are two types of projects one is a macro project and the other is a micro project. Micro projects are mostly about industrial issues and macro projects are mostly about common issues faced by everyone.

What is a Business?

A business is an organization that is concerned in providing goods or service to end customer. A business could also be a profit or nonprofit organization.
Business Process: - According to (2013), a business process is an activity or set of activities that will accomplish a specific organizational goal.
Right sizing: - According to the website (1990), rightsizing is proactive and it needs to be a conststant part of the process of managing an organization.
Downsizing: - refers to the permanent reduction of a company's workforce and is generally associated with corporate reorganization, or creating a "leaner, meaner" company.   

Time management

“Time wasted is existence and used is life” by Edward young (Wax & Dustin, 2007)
   Time management is one of the key problems that I usually face every time usually for most of the tasks I do. I do like to manage my time but there is this common thing almost in every human especially a lot in me that is “clumsiness”, this is one of the key things that prevent me from doing things in time.  But now I feel that this should come to halt as this could lead to far worse issues in the future if I cannot manage my time.
“Nothing really belongs to us but time, which even he has who has nothing else.” By Baltasar Garcian (Adair.J and Allen.M, 2003),
According to (Wax & Dustin, 2007) Punctuality shows:
Ø  Mastery
Ø  Competence
Ø  Integrity
Ø  You value people
Ø  You value yourself
Figure 1. Time management Excercise

Figure 2. Prioritization matrix, Source ( (, 2013)


Adair, J. and Allen, M. (2003) The concise time management and personal development, 1st edition, London: Thorogood. (1990) Rightsizing vs. Downsizing? Big Difference! | Ambler, [Online], Available: [12 Jan 2013]. (2007) What does method mean? definition, meaning and pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary), [Online], Available: [12 Jan 2013].
Definition of Research (2012), [Online], Available: [18 Nov 2012]. (2013) Priority Matrix (Time Management), [Online], Available: [13 Jan 2013]. (2013) Definition of method - method and characteristic (British & World English), [Online], Available: [12 Jan 2013]. (2013) What is business process? - Definition from, [Online], Available: [11 Jan 2013]. (2011) What is Project Proposal, [Online], Available: [11 Jan 2013].
Verified Carbon (2013) What is a Methodology?, [Online], Available: [13 Jan 2013].
Wax, Dustin (2007) Punctuality Counts, [Online], Available: [10 Nov 2012].


Friday, January 18, 2013

Literature review

 As stated by the website (, 2012), is a explanation of a literature significant to a certain topic, it commonly writen as a thesis proposal. The key reason or the purpose of a literature review is to show the research that was done on a certain area (Taylor, 2002).

According to the website (The Writing Center, 2013), a literature review is gathering information on a certain area or topic that is published within specified time period.  It could also be combination of summary and synthesis, where a summary is a review of significant information of a source and a synthesis is a reallocation of that information.

Purposes of Literature Review

The purposes of a literature review are stated below: -
Ø  To demonstrate your scholarly ability to identify relevant information and to outline existing knowledge (The Learning Centre UNSW, 2013).
Ø  To recognize models and case studies of the relevant topic (Literature review, 2013).
Ø  Place each work in the context of its contribution to the understanding of the research problem being studied (USC libraries, 2013).
Ø  To resolve conflicts amongst seemingly contradictory previous studies (USC libraries, 2013).
Ø  To produce a rationale or justification for your study (The Learning Centre UNSW, 2013).
Ø  To evaluate and synthesis the information in line with the concepts that you have set yourself for the research (The Learning Centre UNSW, 2013).
Ø  To identify the 'gap' in the research that your study is attempting to address, positioning your work in the context of previous research and creating a 'research space' for your work (The Learning Centre UNSW, 2013).

Types of Literature Review

According to USC libraries website (2013) there are 6 types of literature reviews, they are:
Ø  Argumentative review
Ø  Integrative review
Ø  Historical review
Ø  Methodological review
Ø  Systematic review
Ø  Theoretical review

Steps to prepare a literature review

As stated by the website of (University of, 2013) and (Concordia, 2013) the steps that are used to prepare a literature review are as follows.

1.      The literature search
An overview of the subject, issue or theory under consideration, along with the objectives of the literature review
2.      Noting the bibliographical details
Division of works under review into categories (e.g. those in support of a particular position, those against, and those offering alternative theses entirely)

3.      Finding the literature
Explanation of how each work is similar to and how it varies from the others

4.      Reading the literature
Conclusions as to which pieces are best considered in their argument, are most convincing of their opinions, and make the greatest contribution to the understanding and development of their area of research

5.      Writing the review


Reference (2012) Writing a Literature Review : Academic Skills Centre : University of Canberra, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013].
Concordia (2013) How to write a literature review, [Online], Available: [13 Jan 2013].
Literature review (2013) Literature review, [Online], Available: [12 Jan 2013].
Taylor, D. (2002) The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It, [Online], Available: [12 Jan 2013].
The Learning Centre UNSW (2013) Getting Started on your Literature Review : Academic Skills Resources, The Learning Centre UNSW, [Online], Available: [11 Jan 2013].
The Writing Center (2013) Literature Reviews, [Online], Available: [10 Jan 2013].
University of (2013) Writing a Literature Review , [Online], Available: [13 Jan 2013].
USC libraries (2013) he Literature Review - Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper - LibGuides at University of Southern California, [Online], Available: [11 Jan 2013].