Monday, January 14, 2013

Curriculum Vitae and cover letter

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A CV is descriptions of educational qualifications, other qualifications and details of extracurricular activities, this description are mostly send for a job application (, 2013). According to the website (, 2013), “it is a summary of a job applicant's professional experience and educational background, along with other relevant information regarding the candidate's qualifications”. A CV is a document that contains information about your skills and qualifications in a very effective manner for a job application (, 2013).

As stated by (, 2013), it is an overview of an individual’s experiences and skills to a particular field of knowledge, a resume mostly resembles the employer of how qualified an individual is for the relevant job.
According to (, 2013), “the resume is a selling tool that outlines your skills and experiences so an employer can see, at a glance, how you can contribute to the employer's workplace”.

Difference between a CV and Resume

The common difference between a CV and Resume are as follows:-
Table 1. Difference between a CV and Resume

1.      It is a brief summary of your skills and work experience (, 2013).

2.      It demonstrate the skills and experience necessary to succeed within the position (, 2013)

3.      Lists of publications, presentations, teaching experiences, education, honors, and grants (, 2013).
1.      It is a summary of a job applicant's professional experience and educational background (, 2013).

2.      To present your full academic history — including teaching, research, awards, and service (, 2013)

3.      Skills and experiences you have gained as related to the job you are seeking (, 2013).

Cover Letter

It is a letter that goes along with a CV or a Resume when an Individual is applying for a job. A cover letter is a key feature when an individual I applying for a job. 

Figure 1. Cover Letter Format, Source (, 2013)

Reference (2013) What is a Resume?, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) What is curriculum vitae? definition and meaning, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) Cover Letter Format (required elements are A-F) - DOC, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) Europass: Curriculum Vitae, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) CV or Resume? | Graduate College at Illinois, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) What is a Resume?, [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013]. (2013) Definition of curriculum vitae , [Online], Available: [14 Jan 2013].

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